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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Is there money on your mind?

A few weeks ago Igor finally released his "Money On Your Mind"
program and folks have been ordering their
publication sets in droves.

There's 3 main reasons for this.

(1) For the first time Igor has covered all 3 areas of what he calls,

"The Wealth Learning Triangle"

In a nutshell the three sides of the triangle are :

- What your conscious mind must focus on to guide how you create
and grow wealth.

- What mindset and resources your unconscious mind must have for
money and how to install them.

- And what real world actions you must take on a regular basis
and how to take them to become wealthy.

Without ALL THREE of these you will fail.

He covers all three in his new 15 DVD program.

But that's not all...

(2) Igor has also included 8 BONUS CDs packed full of
powerful hypnotic inductions to make absolutely sure you get this
crucial part of your life handled...

...Once and for all.

Having wealth means you can help yourself, your family and your community.

Not having wealth means you will likely end up relying on others or
the government (especially when you are older) and you'll never have the
security and peace of mind that comes from being financially liberated.

(3) There is a 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.
So you have nothing to lose. Check it out here:

Official site:
Facebook: The Money On Your Mind on Facebook

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